Friday, May 15, 2009

Rick Perry = Secessionist

This is amazing. Part of me thinks it is a little crazy. But I still like it.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Astros Season Opening Day!

I have begun this blog on the first day of baseball which is my favorite day of the year. Right now, the Astros are beating the Nationals in Florida 2-0 in the 7th. I have faith in the Astros this season, as I do every season. Because that is all we can have as Astros fans. Hope in Berkman and Miggy, Hunter and El Caballo to pull through this year. Last year was full of ups and some serious downs, but the slate has been wiped clean and we are beginning fresh like getting in to a bed with just washed sheets.

The Rangers are playing Kansas City. I will not mention the Rangers again unless it is during the Silver Boot Series. Their score is 0-0.

Go Astros!